沃吉基因泛素化PCR Array助力PDZRN3/Cx43在三氯乙烯过敏综合征的调控研究发表在TOP期刊
来源: | 作者:沃吉基因 | 发布时间: 2024-04-25 | 431 次浏览 | 分享到:

沃吉基因泛素化PCR Array助力PDZRN3/Cx43


Granulysin-mediated reduction of PDZRN3 induces Cx43 gap junctions activity

exacerbating skin damage in trichloroethylene hypersensitivity syndrome


产品名称:泛素化途径PCR阵列 / Ubiquitination Pathway PCR array



Gene expression was analyzed using a Ubiquitination Pathway PCR Array plate

(Wcgene Biotech,Shanghai,China)following the manufacturer’s instructions.


PCR Array analysis of apoptosis genes after exposure to GNLY(a) or GNLY(+) SNF(TCE) (b) in HaCaT cells,

showing mean-log10 adjusted P values. Downregulated genes with significantly different P values are shown in green, non-significantly regulated genes in gray, and upregulated genes with significantly different P values in red. 

PCR Array analysis was per-formed for three independent experiments per condition.


Jiao B, Zhang H, Jiang H, Liu S, Wang Y, Chen Y, Duan H, Niu Y, Shen M, Wang H, Dai Y. Granulysin-mediated reduction of PDZRN3 induces Cx43 gap junctions activity exacer-bating skin damage in trichloroethylene hypersensitivity syndrome.Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2024 Apr 1;274:116174. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.116174. Epub 2024 Mar 11. PMID: 38471344.